Pé-de-Meia Program: Financial Support for Students - iGrovers

Pé-de-Meia Program: Financial Support for Students


He Foot of the Meia Program It is an initiative of the Federal Government of Brazil created to provide financial support to high school students in public schools.


Its main objective is to encourage students to stay in school, reduce dropout rates and ensure that young people complete their studies successfully.

It also encourages participation in national and international educational examinations.

Age Classification:
Federal Economic Bank

The program was instituted by the Law No. 14,818 of January 16, 2024 and is managed by the Ministry of Education (MEC) in collaboration with the Federal Economic Bank, the entity responsible for opening accounts and paying benefits to selected students.


Who can participate?

To be eligible for the program, the student must meet the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled in the I teach regular secondary school in a public school.
  • Have between 14 and 24 years old In the case of regular secondary education, or between 19 and 24 years old If you are registered in the Youth and Adult Education (YAE).
  • Belonging to a family registered in the Unique Cadastro for Social Programs (CadÚnico), with a per capita income of up to half minimum wage.
  • Have a CPF (Natural Person Registration) asset.
  • Maintain a Minimum school attendance of 80% every month.

How does the program work?

Registration and account opening

Registration is not required. The MEC selects eligible students, and the Federal Economic Bank opens a digital account in the name of the beneficiary. The account is managed through the application CAIXA Tem.

Authorization for minors

  • If the student is under 18 years old, his legal representative You must authorize access to the account through the CAIXA Tem App.
  • If the legal responsible party is the father or mother, it is due upload a photo of the ID document of the student in the application.
  • If the legal representative is not the father nor the mother, the authorization must be done in person at a branch of Federal Economic Bank.

Amounts and Types of Incentives

The program offers different types of economic incentives to ensure that students remain in school:

1. Tuition Incentive

  • Amount: R$ 200.00 (one-time annual payment).
  • It is deposited at the beginning of the school year to guarantee the student's enrollment.

2. School Attendance Incentive

  • Amount: R$ 1,800.00 annually, divided into nine monthly payments of R$ 200.00.
  • In 2024, exceptionally, they will be paid eight installments.

3. Incentive for Completion

  • Amount: R$ 1,000.00 for each approved year.
  • It is deposited annually and released at the end of the three years of secondary school.
  • In total, the student will receive R$ 3,000.00 upon completion of secondary education.

4. Incentive for Participation in the ENEM

  • Amount: R$ 200.00 (one-time payment).
  • It is awarded to students who participate in the National Secondary Education Examination (ENEM).

How to withdraw the profit?

The money is deposited in the following bank accounts: Federal Economic Bank:

  • Poupança Social Digital Account
  • Cash Box Theme
Age Classification:
Federal Economic Bank

The student can make transactions through the CAIXA Tem App, withdraw money in ATMs, lotteries and CAIXA banking correspondents Here, using security token and card.

2024 Payment Schedule

1. Completion Incentive and ENEM

Birth MonthPayment DateSchool yearProfit Status
January to June25/02/20253rdAvailable for pick up
July to December26/02/20253rdAvailable for pick up
Every month27/02/20251st and 2ndReleased after completion of secondary school

2. Tuition Incentive

Group of studentsPayment Date
Beneficiaries of the Family Bag until January 202403/26 to 04/07
Registered in CadUnique until June 15, 202408/26 to 09/02
Students of EJA registered in CadÚnico09/30 to 10/07

Channels of Attention and Consultations

Students can obtain information about the Pé-de-Meia Program through the following means:


He Foot of the Meia Program is a crucial initiative to ensure that young people in Brazil have access to a complete, quality secondary education. With financial incentives, the program motivates students to stay in school, improve their academic performance, and prepare for a more promising professional future. In addition, by encouraging participation in ENEM, the government strengthens access to higher education.

If you meet the requirements, don't miss the opportunity to receive this benefit and improve your academic career. Check the payment schedule and make sure you take advantage of this financial aid to continue studying.